4 Local Minnesota Lakes with the Best Fishing
Minnesota is home to an abundance of lakes, making it one of the best states for freshwater fishing! If you’re searching for some spots to catch some walleye up north this summer, check out our list of the top 4 lakes in the area:
Leech Lake is the third largest lake that lies entirely within Minnesota’s borders. It has a number of different bays to explore and is a great lake for boating. You can expect to find plenty of species of fish here!
Lake Winnibigoshish is connected to the Mississippi River along with two smaller lakes, Sugar Lake and Cut Foot Souix Lake. Surrounded by resorts and campgrounds, it is a prime place to catch fish. The largest muskie caught in Minnesota was from this very lake!
Cass Lake is another lake that is connected to the Mississippi River. Although it’s one of the smaller lakes on our list, some claim that it’s one of the best lakes for catching walleye in the state!
Ten Mile Lake may be another small lake on our list, but it’s worth paying a visit to! It’s 208 feet at its deepest and features a large variety of fish, from black bullhead catfish to rainbow trout!
Enjoy exploring these lakes this summer! If you’re looking for the perfect property up north, click here to view our latest listings.