Building Your Own Hunting Cabin? Here are 3 Ways to Get Started.
Hunting season in Northern Minnesota is upon us! Has it been your dream to have and build your own hunting property? Here are three tips to help you get started.
Research Locations and Local Hunting Laws
Do your research and find ideal locations with options to buy bare land. Decide if you want to hunt on your own land, or on nearby hunting land. Check on the local laws and regulations surrounding hunting so that you know what to expect. Once you know your location you can start searching for land.
Understand Your Financial Options
Are you planning to build right away or wait a few years? How much are you willing to spend? Creating a budget and creating expectations around the financial aspect of building your hunting cabin can help you plan and not become overwhelmed by the process. Contact your bank or research various lending options.
Get Connected with your Local Vacation Property Realtor
Another great place to start is by reaching out to a local vacation property realtor to help you understand your options. They will be able to connect you to potential financial lenders, and properties, and might even understand local hunting laws. When you find a professional and knowledgeable team as we have at Bill Hansen Realty, you can feel comfortable knowing that you are moving forward in the right direction.
Let us be that vacation property realty team for you! Check out our current bare land properties and then give us a call!