Tips to Help You Prepare for Opening Your Cabin this Spring

There’s still a bit of time left before winter is over and we’re ready to start making our weekend trips to the cabin. But it is never too early to be prepared! We’ve pulled together some tips to help you get prepared to open your cabin this spring! 

Make a Plan

Decide what needs to be done and make a list for both the inside and the outside. Don’t forget to check on your licenses for fishing and boating as well. Verify what items need to be renewed or purchased. Also be sure to have a plan to turn on any services that you had shut off for the winter. 

Do an Opening Inspection

Upon arriving, test your smoke and CO2 detector batteries. Turn on water and heating and inspect for any damage to the exterior that might have happened over the winter. 

Check for Critter Damage

Look for holes in your screens, siding, gnawed wires, or rodent droppings, and create a plan for removing or exterminating.

Restock Necessities

Create a list of items that are must-haves in your cabin. Restock non-perishable food items, your first aid kit, and other emergency supplies. 
While it might feel like a long way off, Springtime and cabin days will be here before you know it! Until then, keep an eye on our hot list for the latest properties on the market!